Do you like to Draw, Sketch or Doodle ?

Do you like to draw, sketch or doodle ? Who remembers "Draw Binky" ? I wanted to share the video below and explain how several of my interests converged to create it.
I have been playing with Animation Desk on my iPad (I have posted other Animation Desk work in the past ) for awhile. It has an easy interface and good range of features (brushes etc) but i don't think it's an actual professional app. The layers are little hard to handle (it's easy to delete a whole section with out a command Z LOL) As a long time fan of experimental animator Harry Smith ( ) as an inspiration, I started to create shapes, scribbles and swooshes. Some of the brushes have a little bit more expression and gestural feel depending on the speed and pressure by which they are used. I found out early that every scribble isn't interesting or pushes the animation forward.
I like vintage and like a lot of creatives these days, I have an unbridled appreciation for all things mid century modern, so that influences me my decisions, for example: the selection muted of colors and the vintage paper background. The basic animation created is 4 seconds long, I render from Animation Desk ( ) and bring into Premiere. On the time line, I run it forward backwards, sideways etc and I bring in the music. Usually its the latest composition I am working on in Garage band. This combination of animation and musical tastes results in a mashup of style. This time the music I was working on was an update of a synth track I wrote and recorded a long time ago ( before I studied at #Berklee) Its mainly a Roland SH101 ( ) with the filter tweaked and run through an Ibaneze tube screamer ( ) and i was adding some updates (like new drums) I was very happy with the sound and glad to get it out into the world. There's a part in the song were the synths really kick in and I wanted to turn up the volume visually as well. I had been thinking about the kaleidoscope filter in after effects, and thought that would be a great low tech way of altering the hand drawn animation. So I used the Dynamic link in Premiere and experimented with the kaleidoscope filter. My goal was change it from recognizable to unrecognizable and back - which turned out better than expected.
I added film light leaks, textures and grit. I like integrating some film failure or texture as if it was motivating or driving the music. I added vinyl record crackle and as a last minute inspiration, I added the found video of the Art school test in the beginning - it fits my sense of humor and my love of found object art. I'm thinking about creating this into a larger work - there is still a lot more to be explored. I hope you enjoy it. # #animation #art #experimental #mcm#film #music #ipad

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